
Showing posts from November, 2017

LGBTIQ And Sexworkers community dialogue In An Attempt To Making Needs Assesment For The Key Population

community dialogue held in partnership with Kawala Health Center four with the aim of making needs assessment on the health needs and issues that Key population persons need to be corrected and put in place as an Organisation. Healthy communities call for inspired leadership and action from every corner of our communities. Today, there's often a gulf between the conversations people have around the kitchen table and the conversations we have with our leaders. We see turf battles and fragmentation of efforts with more resources getting spent on the symptoms of deeper problems, and less on what generates health in the first place.

Health workers And Peer Educators Workshop -USAID Collaboration

  Kuchushiners Uganda in collabortion with  United States Agency for International Development ( USAID ) In a joint wokshop themed Expanding Availability of health services by the private sector, Inceasing affordability of private sector services and improving the quality of private health sector facilities and services.

Accelerating Epidemic Control In Mubende District With Our Partners

  Kuchushiners in a community mapping workshop tht took place at Enro Hotel on Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 1 p.m. It was mainly for making a needs assessment on how organisations should relate with MSM Leaders and how organisations can work as a team to HIV/ AIDS Zero status. The Organisations target was people or MSM living in Mityana district, who are afraid to go to hospital for blood testing but Organisations like Action For Rural Women’s Empowerment, Pace Uganda and Mild may Uganda.

Third Community Dialogue With Collaboration From IDI And KCCA

Partnership with Infectious Disease Institute And Kampala Capital City Health Center , we did carry out  a community dialogue organised by Kuchu shiners discussing and weighing in the possible ways to preventing  sexually transmitted infections/diseases at kawaala connect point .

Community Dialogue And Sensitization

It was a community dialogue in kasangati Wakiso District, where free medication was given out and thanks goes to all members that attended with Kuchu shiners Uganda with collaboraion with the Infectious Disease Institute , Most At Risk Population Society In ganda - Mulago  .

Organised Training Of Peers And Volunteers In Counselling STIs And HIV/AIDS

  Community trainng organised by PACE Uganda in the folowing areas :- The following were trained: *HIV counselling and testing *test and treat when found with HI V *STI ( sexual transmitted infections) *Stigma and descrimination *Causes of stigma and descrimination * Effects of stigma *Roles of peer educators *Ways to support PLHIV with stigma *HIV discordance

Partnership with KCCA And Theta Uganda Extending Free Medical Services .

It was a medical outreach carried out in  kawaala  with surpport  from Kampala Capital City Authority Health center  and Theta Uganda,Infectious Disease Institute, where free medication,lubricants and condoms were given out to the all community.

Community Outreach Carried Out In Kajjansi -Kampala Offering HIV/AIDS services.

  Held  a couselling an Testing Visits in kajjansi  with Surpport From Mild May where for the LGBTIQ community especially the sex workers and medication was given out .

Key Population Community Diaogue.

  The quarterly Key Population Community Dialogue Held at Ice Breakers Uganda with the main focuse on health and Legal needs assessment, coupled with Sexual Reproductive Health Sensitisation with Surport from Spectrum Uganda .

Training Of Kuchushiners Volunteers In Jinja

It was a very good and enjoyable training by with the MARPs network where we had a theme "HIV/AIDS preventation." And we also had sub-themes  1.Condom use.  2.Peer educators training  3.HIV/AIDs  prevention The training was successful and it took three days for the peer educators and it was very organised where we had breakfast and lunch.The training was very beneficial and we were trained to

Conducting House Hold Visits To The Postive Living Persons.

KUCHU shiners Uganda health team members conducting a household visit in Kasanga Kampala district in collabrartion with  Infectious Diseases Institute.

Peer Leaders Training For Kuchushiners

Kuchushiners organised a peer ledrs training with surpport from Most At Risk Population Society Network , Enhancing capacity leaing leadership and work ethics.