Kuchushiners Uganda Present As Human Rights Awareness And Promotion Forum Lauching The 2016 LGBTIQ And Sexworkers Report.

Kuchushiners with HRAPF - Human Rights Awareness And Promotion Forum at Imperial Royale Hotel with a programme for launch of the 2016 LGBTI and sex workers' violations Report, which pays specific ttentionto the implications of human rights violations against sexworkers on the HIV Response In Uganda.
Sexworkers face barriers in accessing sexual reproductive healthcare services as they risk ill treatment or even arrest as they expose themselves to health workers.
The criminalisation of sexwork furthermore diminishes sexworkers power to negotiate safe sex with their clients.
Please continue with the "health" message. Do not mix legal or lawyerly work in public health activities. Leave that to those specialized in pure activism. Health involves reaching out to those who need health care services. When we mix up things we miss meeting the health goals. Thanks.